Sunday, March 31, 2013

Gabby's twelfth Birthday DJ Setup

Gabby's twelfth Birthday on 12/28/11 @Walnut Creek Clubhouse.

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Thursday, March 28, 2013


I am a megaman because of the MegaOne who gives me ideas (Philippians 4:13 WOV)

"I can also do it", James said. "This man is not better than I am", he continued. "But he has a good background and his parents are rich", John chided. "Try it and see how you will fail", John concluded. With these words, James lost confidence in the fact that he can accomplish the task. This represents the story of most people in the world and that makes it the reason most people are not in the mega club. The translation of Philippians 4:13 above thrilled me when I saw it. It introduces megamen associated with the MegaOne. Megamen as used in our context are men who have done mega things. Megamen are men who acted on their mega ideas. Every business starts from an idea. All great achievers stand tall on the idea ladder. Small ideas do not yield great results. It's been said that no power on earth can withstand an idea whose time has come. Megamen lead the way of achievements.

Whenever we look at great things in the world, we see great men behind them. We remember great inventors like Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison. Of course in the world of politics, we remember Martin Luther King Jr., who put an end to racial discrimination in America; Abraham Lincoln, the celebrated President and a host of others. Their biographies and autobiographies form an interesting read for us and a couple of times we think, "if only I was born great". Sometimes we are challenged and believe that we also can do mega things but the courage that is needed to nurse that idea is conspicuously missing so that the idea dies almost immediately it is conceived. Tom Edison was once quoted as saying, "Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. That's not the place to become discouraged." Ralph Emerson rightly observed that the search after the great is the dream of youth and the most serious occupation of manhood. While megamen are from various backgrounds and walks of life, they surely have some things in common from which everyone can learn. Megamen are mega because of vision, motivation, determination and strategy.

Hunted by a vision "Where there is no vision, the people perish" - Prov. 23:29. Conception is the father of achievement - every great thing achieved must first be conceived. Greatness is not a function of inheritance or heritage but of vision. What is on your inside is ever greater than what is on your outside. Imagination is the key. It is the womb in which every great achievement is borne. It is a level of dissatisfaction with the status quo that make men come up with brilliant ideas. "Discontent is the first necessity of progress", says Thomas Edison. Listen to Rev. Randall R. McBride, Jr., "Don't dwell on reality; it will only keep you from greatness." Assuming wishes were horses, what will you do? Take some time into dream world. See these possibilities in your mind's eyes. What will you undertake now assuming there were not constraints or limitations? Would you write a book? Would you start a company? Would you go to school? Many times, people say, "He is a natural ..." Believe them for a moment and take a trip to the land of possibilities. Walt Disney said, "if you can DREAM it, you can DO it". Great future belongs to great dreamers and like Eleanor Roosevelt rightly observed, "The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams." It is the future you dream that you realize. This is what stimulates faith. God's question to Jeremiah might be a relevant one here, "What seest thou?" (Jeremiah 1:11). Decide once what kind of life you want to live. Draper L. Kaufman, Jr. has rightly said, "Those who do not create the future they want must endure the future they get." Too many people have not decided what they are going to do with their lives. "People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be", says Harvey Mackay. To have a blank picture is to have a blurred future. There can be no arrival to an undefined destination.

Your vision is that which compels others to listen to you. In his prophetic spree, Habakkuk wrote, "write the vision, ...that he may run that reads it" (Habakkuk 2:2). No matter how small you consider it, that vision is capable of bringing a worldwide transformation. You are at the verge of a change. The moment you have long been expecting is here with you with this magazine right in front of you. "It only takes one person to change your life - you."- Ruth Casey. No dream can be too big because greater dreams have been achieved. Drop the excuses in your hand and pick up your vision. Dust the book that contains your life goals because it contains innovations that will give you a colourful tomorrow and introduce you to the world of the great. "Fear of the unknown is the worst of all the fears; it kills the creative powers that come from Curiosity." - Dr. Nirvikar Dahiya. Megamen are not caged by tradition. They overthrow our inherited ideas with superior arguments and in the face of results, every critic is forced to bow to the new way of doing things that great minds have defined. Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." The fact that it has not been done does not mean it will not be done.

We have always done it like this, is the undoing of a myriad of people. Many inventions are improvements to existing ideas. Process improvement creates mega ideas that are the harbinger of a breed of men the world look up to. It's all part of the never-ending process of invention. Bill Gates entered Harvard but dropped out to start Microsoft in 1975. The first product of Microsoft was a version of the BASIC programming language (invented in 1964 by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz). Gates magnified the idea of somebody else by building on it. Roger Bannister was told that he would never be able to walk. However he became an athlete of repute. He became the first person in history to run a mile in less than four minutes. Funny enough, about two dozen other people did it that year! Whose report will you believe! I believe the report of God.

As you read this, the doctors might have said your situation is hopelessly incurable. They are talking about fact that they know but the solution lies in faith about Who you know. I also remember the story of a little girl named Wilma Rudolph. She was crippled with polio and was told that she would never walk (Who says and it comes to pass when the Lord has not said it!). Fortunately, she learned to walk, then to play basketball, and later to run. She became an Olympic medallist winning three gold medals in 1962 - she didn't just walk, she ran faster than any woman in history! Winston Churchill once said, "It is better to be making the news than taking it; to be an actor rather than a critic."

Inner Motivation

Motivation that comes from within really makes the difference. Probably nothing more has witnessed the demise of an idea than a lack of a drive from within. When men dwell too much on the negatives of an idea, watch it for they are digging its grave. When an idea is borne, it comes with the excitement of its originality. However when, like the proverbial seed of Jesus, it is choked up, it becomes unfruitful. The drive begins to wane and before long a funeral ceremony is due for it. H. M. Tomlinson has rightly said, "We see things not as they are, but as we are." How true! What drops the excitement is not the thing but the person. It is only a consistently motivated mind that can successfully nurse a vision through to its birth. Make a habit at succeeding. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle. One way to be motivated is to always seek to increase knowledge of subjects that thrill us. Further understanding of a subject moves us to want to learn more of that subject. "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. " Theodore Roosevelt.

Determined to make it

"You can only live once, but if you live right, once is enough". - Joe E. Lewis It has been said that difficulties give way to determined men. No great thing has ever been achieved nor will ever be achieved without obstacles that give critics enough room to blow the dust of discouragement. Listen to Willard Marriott, "Good timber does not grow with ease. The stronger the wind the stronger the trees." A vision that does not have any challenge to face or oppositions to overcome is not worth it. A real vision elicits negative words from critics and people with lesser visions. At the height of conceiving his ideas, Walt Disney was described by a writer as "a tall, somber man who appeared to be under the lash of some private demon". Every megaman has had to overcome the slashing tongue of critics by determination. Listen to Albert Einstein, "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." It is the determination and commitment to the vision that keeps you going when the going gets tough. "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer". Albert Einstein. Thomas Edison failed many times in his invention tour but his determination saw him through. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work", he once said. He also said, "I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. Nobody cares how many times you failed after you have got the result. Sarah Meredith has said, "Believing in yourself, is an endless destination. Believing you have failed, is the end of your journey." Nobody can be concluded as a failure until he concludes so. "Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there", says Josh Billings. "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Thomas A. Edison. Many people have a thousand and one reasons they cannot make it while all they need is a reason they can make it. Richard Bach said, "Argue for your limitations and sure enough they are yours". Thomas Edison did not learn to talk until he was four years old. That was enough to discourage him but he just left it behind him. At age 14, Tom became totally deaf in his left ear, and approximately 80% deaf in his right ear. Yet, this did not stop him from being internationally revered and christened with the title "The greatest inventor who ever lived". Helen Keller was born blind. Yet, she carved a niche for herself and made a name among the great.

Fear is the undoing of many. The fear of what people will say, the fear of mistake and all others in the family of fear form an effective chain in ensuring that a man is confined to the footnote of history. "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Albert Einstein. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. As long as there is life, they say there is hope. "He's no failure. He's not dead yet." affirmed William Lloyd George. Be determined and you will get there.

Successful because of STRATEGY

Many visions die because of the lack of a strategic approach in its implementation.

Gather information on the idea.Look for a mentor.Pray for God's guidance.Plan.ACT. Without enough information, men act irrationally. Information gives direction. Unnecessary mistakes are avoided and the best course is charted. The Internet forms a database of relevant information on most subjects. With the Internet, you can tap into vast resources from great minds on similar subject. It helps you focus and educates your mind on how best to go about the implementation. You will also need to know that people have done things that are similar. If you have problems on any of the elements in the success school, get a mentor. A mentor is a coach who can give you pieces of advice and help you because he has gone that way. A mentor should not be chosen by age but by results. He must have something that you crave and you want to learn from him. Our choices are limited to what we know. What a great privilege to team up with the MegaOne! He knows all things and He is the Giver of ideas and Revealer of secrets. It is only important then that all things be committed to His hands. Many great ideas have been grounded because they lack the support of the Divine One. He is only committed to supporting ideas that He originated. "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil." (Proverbs 3:6-7). You will need to plan for success to be a guarantee. If yours is a business idea, you will need to get a business plan in place. Document your thoughts. Jesus Christ said the building of a tower requires sitting down FIRST (Luke 14:28-32). When men fail at the planning process, the success of their ideas becomes a mirage. "The winners in life have always known how to live full-out in the present, while also planning (and acting) for their future." Philip Humbert The last thing to do is to ACT. No idea is useful until it is acted upon. To act is the thing. The journey of a thousand miles, they say begin with the first step. Many get scared at the enormity of the whole vision. The solution is this: while having the end in mind, focus on the first step. Breaking down vision into chewable chunks will create enough motivation to start. START NOW. Do something about the vision you have been postponing. Start with small steps. They add up to miles. The journey becomes easier when you take a step at a time. Do not attempt to do too many things at the same time. A little at a time. "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." Thomas Edison. We only identify geniuses by their results. If you work on that idea, you will soon be classified with the great.

Megamen because of the MegaOne.

Megamen are mega because of the MegaOne. (In case you are wondering what WOV stands for, it is Wale Olasoji's Version!). The MegaOne is the inventor of the universe that scientists have not fully unraveled what divine wisdom packed together in six days. He is the chairman/CEO of the world that has refused to go bankrupt ever since it was created. Jesus Christ helped to solve the problem of narrowness of definition of greatness once and for all; "what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Mark 8:36-37). It only takes a monitoring of the life history of men who though considered great, did not know Jesus. Their ends are not what every rational man will like to choose. True greatness is found by defining it in Jesus. Without Christ, the man is not great. "And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln. I invite you to Jesus today. Even in the principle of self-interest alone, Christ is the best choice you can make. You are at the most important point in your life. This might be the connection point between where you are now and where you intend to get to. Take the right steps and you are the next person to be celebrated. "Meditate on these things that thy profiting may appear unto all." (1 Tim. 4:15).

Monday, March 25, 2013

Harness Your Entrepreneurship Potentials

Due to this meeting, In my opinion my audience really are a crop of ambitious and emerging entrepreneurs who will be ready to place their world by storm. So, I do not see myself talking with some young women and gentlemen (because the situation is), however with youthful entrepreneurs who'll grow being business titans in couple of a long time. Then, you'll remember but might not recognize this little giant waiting in front individuals - while he might have grown really large too!

Let us thankfully for ideas. But, if ideas would equal entrepreneurship, everybody individuals could have been great entrepreneurs, great creators, great business males and ladies. Entrepreneurship is really a subject which goes beyond beginning a company and remaining an entrepreneur! It isn't about coming your trumpet, giving yourself ego-centric game titles: Boss, COO, OM, OPC, EFCC - as you have created yourself right into a company. No!

The bitter the fact is that as lucrative as entrepreneurship may appear, its venture isn't for everybody. A senior friend once stated in my experience within an interview discussion I'd with him: "You'll need the best mind-set and skill-set. Do not attempt it (entrepreneurship) before you understand both of these!Inch

I wish to seem some warning too. Entrepreneurship isn't a plan B. It's not an alternate for individuals who could not get whitened-collar jobs. Thankfully for mouth-watering salaries but entrepreneurship isn't a choice you are making since you couldn't secure employment at Spend or MTN! A potential student, who constitutes a federal-possessed Nigerian college his /her second selection of institution during the time of filling the forms, has made the decision his/her fate!

Really, the growing toll of unemployed graduates has forced many to appear inwards. Ironically, this case has its own positives. In individuals days (once we were learned), like a graduate, you possess an assurance of the good job waiting for you. However nowadays, overturn may be the situation! Despite your M.Sc or Master of business administration, you may want to support it having a professional certificate and many many years of hands-on experience.

I don't care the number of MTN, Spend or Chevron which has declined your employment request you just need God to smile at the apparently-searching small company. I see because titans developing out of this meeting. You'll go available and storm your world!

What then is entrepreneurship? Who's a business owner?

A business owner is really a distinctive individual. Entrepreneurs find it too difficult or impossible to dedicate yourself another person, even though they will work for his or her clients/clients. They are prepared to put everything at risk for that passion and passion for seeing their enterprise grow... and often accept several failures.

A business owner is a who is able to dream large. The entrepreneur has got the characteristics of the leader. An innovator is a you never know what he wants. He's the one that produced ideas, unique possibilities and conceptions. He is able to take risks.

The next individuals have something to say of entrepreneurship:

Alan Sugar: "A business owner, if there's this type of factor, is really a born schemer and thinker from things."

Search Greene: "Things are always impossible before it really works. That's what entrepreneurs are only for - doing what individuals have said excitedly doesn't seem possible.Inch

Michael Smurfit: "The entrepreneur is much like an bald eagle... he soars alone, he flies alone, and that he tracks alone."

Tom Peters: "Entrepreneurship is uncommon conviction according to insufficient evidence."

The Nigerian business landscape includes entrepreneurs who, despite their humble skills, survived the storm and still standing tall within their hobbies.

Here's a listing of a number of them:

1. Mike Adenuga (Globacom)
2. Femi Otedola (Zenon Oil)
3.Aliko Dangote (Dangote Group)
4.Jimoh Ibrahim (Nicon Insurance)
5.Frank Nneji (ABC Transport)
6.Tony Momoh (Channels TV)
7.Tony Ezena (Orange Drugs)
8.Samuel Adedoyin (Doyin Group)
9.Alex Ibru (Protector Newspaper)
10.Folu Ayeni (Tantalizers)
11.Dele Momodu (Ovation Magazine)
12.Otunba Gadaffi (DMT Mobile Toilet)

Let us have a look at probably the most fundamental factors which has assisted them come this far.

I.You'll need ideas: Ideas are the connection to everything about business exploit, which is become via inspiration. Ideas that fly towards the high heavens happen to be the harbinger of the very most effective companies around the world. Ideas are just like good wine, they require no rose bush. All business endeavors begin with ideas. Therefore, you constantly have to be creative, innovative and ingenious. Never underestimate the need for a concept. Every positive idea has there the opportunity of success if it's handled correctly.

II.Begin small but think large always! To start with-up, you might not also have enough funds to begin on the large-scale. A lot more than 60% of recent companies within and outdoors Nigeria are often confronted with the task of start-ready to go capital. Begin with that which you have. Beginning small doesn't in anyway mean you will remain small. You're allowed to begin small, but understand you need to think large "as he thinks in the heart, same with he." You have to fresh paint an image of the dream business inside your imagination. You have to "act" as if you had been controlling a large company. This type of feeling should reflect in most that you simply do - your communication, your dress sense, your company atmosphere, etc. Beginning small isn't a crime, thinking and remaining small is. The Term of God admonishes us to not dislike our little origins. They know there'd continually be little origins! For a lot of us, it's a time for you to learn and become sufficiently strong to deal with the difficulties connected with large companies.

III.Let the creativity flow and innovative: Your company cannot survive without some creativity. It amuses me how some business proprietors run their companies as if those are the only enterprise offering a type of service or product. You cannot manage to be lazy inside your business approach or strategy. Constantly create a task to create your company, items and services this news worth thinking or speaking about. If you will find 1001 fashion clothes within an area, are designed for becoming the very best!

Everett Rogers stated, "Invention is the procedure through which a brand new idea was discovered or produced. In comparison, innovation happens when that break through is adopted." If you are using yesterday's tactics and methods to handle present day complex business challenges, you'll go bankrupt tomorrow. Arthur Koestler also posited that "the main mark of genius isn't perfection but originality, the outlet of recent frontiers."

You'll need creative processes for controlling current business trends and anticipating future ones. Request yourself proper questions. "So what can I actually do to enhance my existing choices?" Tom Peters puts it by doing this: "Request dumb questions. 'How come computer instructions all originate from keyboards?' Somebody requested that certain first hence, a button.Inch

You've got a creative mind - utilize it! You cannot find out about creativeness you need to do what every creative action requires - taking the initial step in to the unknown.

Have you got a new (creative) idea? Do something. Transform it into implementation, and inspiration into execution. "The best way began would be to quit speaking and start doing" (Wally Disney). As Ben Franklin once mentioned, "Congratulations is preferable to well written."

IV.Look for relevant understanding in your town of specialty area and interest. Understanding they are saying is energy. The Term of God states, "a guy is recommended based on his knowledge... your knowledge makes his face to shine." Don't think about designing your house, shop or office together with your degree certificate rather, decorate the mind with current innovative methods, techniques and trends that can help increase your business or career. Find new prices and purchasers techniques. The fact is that you can't be much better, bigger and much more effective than you've in your thoughts. How you behave and inaction could be traceable for your understanding energy as well as your understanding energy determines your ideas! Remember, "As he thinks in the heart, same with he." Creativeness and innovation is 90% within and 10% without.

V. You'll need a defense against discouragement. Being an ambitious or emerging business proprietor, you ought to have a mind-set that success doesn't come easy not really running a business. Usually in the onset, we brim with suggestions for beginning a company the passion is high and that we devote both time and effort for the prosperity of the brand new venture. Only at that degree of your company, you won't ever really understood that around the switch side, business management means dealing with stress, challenges, disappointments, failures, and outright denials!

Inside a study of 200 and forty three entrepreneurs in Lagos, Nigeria one of the problems experienced by entrepreneurs, hard to rely on employees were probably the most critical. Weak economy, electricity shortages and unsafe location were also pointed out as obstacles stopping entrepreneurs from achieving their set goals.

At each reason for your company growth, you have to shield yourself from discouragement you have to trust God for help and have confidence in you to ultimately stay strong until you conquer fear. Like a small company person, I've been enticed on several occasions to try to get a compensated job elsewhere. Ought to be fact, I've posted programs for many! Possessing and controlling a company isn't a light problem. You have to be conscious of this in the onset. Clients are existence - don't allow it die with you!

Be focused. Be persistent. Remain consistent. Be strong. Indeed, you are able to truly be a business giant! Help you at the very top!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Gator Cases Tour Series Speaker Case for Two 15-Inch Speaker Cabinets G-TOUR SPKR-215 by Gator

Gator Cases Tour Series Speaker Case for Two 15-Inch Speaker Cabinets G-TOUR SPKR-215

Turning the imagination to a real life manufacture it may possibly take lengthy occasions to full. But using the best skill of our production design team and professional specialists had been attempting to impress all customer by spend attention to every customer's need and mix with our outstanding method to make Gator Cases Tour Series Speaker Case for Two 15-Inch Speaker Cabinets G-TOUR SPKR-215 and It's include the future of fine living with technologies beautifully together.

Gator in no way quit creating a better concept to put together our best consequence for you. Gator Cases Tour Series Speaker Case for Two 15-Inch Speaker Cabinets G-TOUR SPKR-215 come with gorgeous design and very durability. We have a good feeling that in every utility that We have built into this newest item will make you gratify. We are able to give you a rational fact that we are specially give attention to all of the method of the manufacturing to make our item is really a reasonable item for a customer like you. Gator aim for the requiring of customer about just how much they are able to afford for our fantastic item. So we will make certain that this newest item is in a reasonable price tag for everyone.

High competitions on the net industry are creating you a challenging choice. However with our smart qualification and suitable price tag of Gator Cases Tour Series Speaker Case for Two 15-Inch Speaker Cabinets G-TOUR SPKR-215 will make an simpler way for you to pick our item to your home.

Gator Cases Tour Series Speaker Case for Two 15-Inch Speaker Cabinets G-TOUR SPKR-215
List Price : $929.99

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ATA Tour style double speaker case for two 15" loud speakers


  • G-Tour style case designed to fit (2) Mackie Thump & similar style 15" loudspeakers
  • Rugged plywood construction with PVC exterior and aluminum valance
  • PE internal padding & EVA foam divider keeps speakers secure during transport
  • Built in accessory storage compartment inside divider
  • Red recessed twist latches and spring-loaded rubber gripped handles

Saturday, March 23, 2013

'Summer is another busy period for Surfside Flooring in Whitened Rock BC'....

Pay attention to Dora Belyk who states what her and Brian's company can perform for flooring purchasers. Services are important after which experience from individuals who laid flooring...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

pt3 - Keeping Torah

To learn more about our Father and only Saviour YHWH, or to contact Quiet Buck, a Minister of YHWH, please see the links below for more assistance. Blog: htt...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Phonic Powerpod 410/S710 PA Package (Standard) by Phonic

Comfortable life style may be the most desirable for everyone. Phonic very positive confident that this invention is will be the most admired item around the globe. Transforming the interior design and also acquiring a brand new property development product are the simple strategy to adjust your property. Phonic happily to be a component of the residence altering. And that we definitely certain that our item will distinct make your property as more Comfortable place for you and your household members as ever. We would genuinely like to present you the Phonic Powerpod 410/S710 PA Package (Standard) our efficient item which is full of contemporary expertise and smart innovation for your home.

Phonic Powerpod 410/S710 PA Package (Standard)

Though you can find many related merchandise with these item through one more production line all about you particularly on the internet, we're certain that with our outstanding top quality and intelligent idea of creating this merchandise definitely will make certain you and every single individual that this wonderful Phonic Powerpod 410/S710 PA Package (Standard) is develop especially for each and every property which consists of your property too.

Not just it genuinely is really easy practical product. In addition it really is provided durable capacity for all consumers. We undoubtedly have been correcting every single single abilities and data that we discovered from every single source to summarize the most efficient outcome to produce this Phonic Powerpod 410/S710 PA Package (Standard) is outstanding fit for your home. Developing the most efficient merchandise for high competition market will be the primary purpose. Even so affordable value of our item is incredibly essential also.

Phonic Powerpod 410/S710 PA Package (Standard)
List Price : $489.97

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This portable PA equipment pack is perfect for performers on a tight budget. The Phonic Powerpod 410/S710 PA Package includes a rugged, Phonic 410 powered mixer and two Phonic S710 10" 2-way speakers. Depending on your needs, the speakers can be used as floor monitors or mains, and the mixer has up to 4 mic or instrument input channels. Includes 2 - 20' speaker cables and dynamic mic with cable.The Phonic Powerpod 410 is an all-in-one mixer and amplifier that's great for a practice space or for bands playing in small venues. It is equipped with 100 Watts of power, with 4 mic/line input channels, variable delay, XLR and 1/4" TRS phone jack inputs. It also features a super musical 2-band EQ at mono channels, and an additional 1/4" stereo jack, for external signal. It also has Tape in and Record outs, for a CD or tape player, and two 1/4" phone jacks for speaker connection. This mixer has a compact and durable design, as well as multiple Mic/Line input channels. The 2-band EQ on every channel gives you control over your mix.The Phonic S710 2-way speakers give you more power for your money. Power handling reaches 80 Watts Program, or 160 Watts Peak. They feature a 10" heavy-duty woofer, and piezo tweeter. You can use them as floor monitors or mounted as main speakers..


  • .

Monday, March 18, 2013

Meteorite in Russia 2-15-13 LOUD SHOCKWAVE SOUND!!!

Be careful, THERES a huge shockwave that will blow out your ears and speakers lol! I do not own anything in this video, all rights to go LIVE LEAK.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

10 Service Principles Every Employee Should Know

Even employees who never deal with the public must exhibit good customer service skills. How employees treat each other is the harbinger of how the organization will treat the public. Here is quick checklist of behaviours we should all demonstrate when dealing with colleagues or the public to ensure an exceptional customer experience -- internally and externally.

Every employee needs to understand their role is a customer service expert, whether the customer is external or internal. Some employees deal only with other employees inside the company, but serving them well is just as important as serving outside customers. Treat every customer with respect. It's not necessary to call people "Sir" or "Ma'am," but it is essential that everyone realize that without customers the employee wouldn't have a job. Smile. A smile can work wonders to alleviate tension and create a positive customer experience. You have the opportunity to influence the tone of every interaction -- so use your smile to make it positive. Respond promptly. Acknowledge a customer's presence, even if engaged in serving another customer on the phone or in person. It helps a customer feel valued and appreciated. Listen. Most customers recognize that not all situations can be addressed immediately, or by the customer service employee. But active listening works wonders to build trust and confidence that something will get done in a timely manner. Offer an empathetic ear. The complaint itself is seldom as important in the customer's mind as how the complaint is handled. Customers may not always be right, but they should never be made to feel they are wrong. Regardless of the situation, customers should always be treated with dignity and employees must never see an interaction as an opportunity to prove our superior knowledge. Take ownership for the situation. If a customer complaint is outside an employee's realm of authority, seek assistance. This demonstrates that the employee understands the customer's need and is willing to do everything within their power to meet that need. Go the extra mile. Many companies require employees to guide a customer to a product they are looking for rather than simply point them in the right direction. Think what a positive customer experience it creates when we apply this principle to all our activities! Empower employees to deal with customers' needs. Employees that focus on the customer as a person with a real need enables them to continually seek new ways to improve that customer's experience. When every employee lives that philosophy, a company quickly becomes known for its superior customer service and creates an atmosphere rich with customer-focus. Bonus: Ask if there is anything else the customer needs. Sometimes a customer has several requests that each require a solution. Every customer service employee should work to ensure a customer leaves fully and completely satisfied with his customer service experience.Employees don't always know how to deliver superior customer service but managers can ensure employees provide the highest level of customer care by sharing these basic customer service principles.

For the greatest success ensuring that every employee has a customer-focus, use service principles versus policies to clearly define the company's expectations. Telling an employee what's expected, makes it much more likely they will do their best to comply.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

How to Wrestle With a Pessimistic Employee

There is one in every office--the complainer, the whiner, the one who is never satisfied. Pessimists and naysayers in the work-place drain morale, sow discontent and breed apathy in the face of needed change.

Clearly, a certain amount of skepticism, a natural talent for pessimists, is valuable. When so much is at stake, we don't want to jump into a new project without trying to foresee what might go wrong. On the other hand, too often, the pessimist can be the harbinger of death for virtually any project. "It will never work. We tried that before. Oh, yeah, here we go again. This is just another one of those programs that no one will stick with."

In my consulting work, my biggest fear used to be facing people who naysay everything we are trying to accomplish. And, of course, it happens at every client. Let's face it. Companies don't call in consultants because everyone is happy and things are going well. While our first instinct might be to ignore or even get rid of pessimistic employees because they make working unpleasant, it is far better to...

Involve them in the solution. When they say that they tried this before, I find it beneficial to learn about what was tried and what went wrong with it. Now, there are a lot of questions that need to be asked and asking them sometimes crosses invisible lines in the sand. It takes a delicate but persistent style and an investigative strategy but discovering the answers to those questions can spell success to the current project.

Challenge the pessimist for a solution. Sometimes the negativity has nothing to do with the project. There is a hidden agenda and it usually has to do with a lack of communication about why decisions are being made. Improve the communication and then ask the pessimist what he or she would do to address the situation the company is facing. They often have good advice and if they can't come up with a solution or a suggestion, they may well be the root of the problem.

Partner with them. Pessimists think they are doing everyone a favor by pointing out how bad things are or what could or will go wrong next. They often do not realize how destructive and discouraging their comments are. Pessimistic employees are often surprised when their behavior is identified as negative and may well be willing to help by modifying their behavior, perhaps with follow-up coaching.

Examine the Employee's Personality Profile. Sometimes discontent results from an employee being better suited to a different kind of work. The stress of constantly having to operate in a job and a process to which they are ill suited. I've found that The Personality Compass is the best tool for typing personality and categorizing tasks. By increasing responsibilities that better fit with an employee's natural skills and talents and decreasing duties in areas that do not, an employee can be not only saved but can become much more productive and more valuable.

Though pessimistic employees and naysayers can be sometimes be problematic, it doesn't take much effort to turn a negative situation into a positive vehicle for change and convert a sometimes difficult employee into a more productive and valuable member of the team.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

New DJ Equipment - Alesis Multimix 8 USB FX / Harbinger APS12

Finally got myself a little mobile DJ setup. I really needed a compact mixer so I could use my laptop and my vestax typhoon and not have to switch cables all...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Harbinger HP215 Powered Loudspeaker 889406522503 by Harbinger

Huge challenges on the web business advertising are producing you a difficult decision. So with our intelligent qualification and appropriate value of Harbinger HP215 Powered Loudspeaker 889406522503 can absolutely make a easier way for you to make a decision on our product for your property. The quite a few different alternatives readily accessible will often make it less complex for you to choose. Benefit from the outstanding affordable expenses together with the outstanding very good quality.

Harbinger HP215 Powered Loudspeaker 889406522503
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The Harbinger HP215 Powered Loudspeaker 889406522503 will be definitely properly worth the value and investment whenever you bring it house. The amazing outstanding benefit you'll discover practically quickly due to the truth from the exceptional advantageous influence it really is going to get inside your life. The Harbinger has definitely carried out a terrific work of assembling an outstanding item for the consumer at an outstanding price. So this merchandise will be effortlessly to lead you on towards the comfy way of life that you simply are looking for.

We also would like to deliver high-quality item which transmits the further value of our existence is our responsibility and component of our solutions which every person investing in has every single single right to anticipate. Our consumer support representatives are going to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding. So we'll lastly make a client like you please with our excellence product Harbinger HP215 Powered Loudspeaker 889406522503.

Click here to read the Harbinger HP215 Powered Loudspeaker 889406522503 full review & compare prices

Harbinger HP215 Powered Loudspeaker 889406522503

Like all the Harbinger HP Series powered loudspeakers, the HP215 delivers outstanding clarity, sound, power, and value for any portable PA application. It features dual 15" speakers, a 1-3/4" compression HF driver, and powers them with an 850W Class G amplifier. It's a system that will provide live bands, DJs, or presenters with concert- level sound night after night. Features include custom signal processing, comprehensive protection circuitry, advanced acoustic components, and rugged birch cab construction with polemount hardware. Controls include level knob, low-cut filter switch, ground lift, and power switches. The HP Series 2-way speakers are simple to use and easy to configure as standalone speakers or as components in an expanded system.


  • Dual 15" 2-way powered loudspeakerConcert sound power in a portable loudspeaker850W of Class G LF amplification in a biamp designIntegrated signal processingClip limiting and thermal protection circuitry

Friday, March 8, 2013

Behringer EUROLIVE B215XL 1000-Watt 2-Way Pa Speaker System with 15 Woofer And 1.75 Titanium Compression Driver (Black) from Behringer

Behringer EUROLIVE B215XL 1000-Watt 2-Way Pa Speaker System with 15 Woofer And 1.75 Titanium Compression Driver (Black)
List Price : $289.99

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Contemporary house and living innovation improvement become one of the most fantastic gold of every people around the globe. Irrespective of how a lot of occasions that you invest on your property improvement planning or altering your way of life by finding a thing for yourself or the individual that you really like, we genuinely think that you willing to locate the right item for them. Behringer EUROLIVE B215XL 1000-Watt 2-Way Pa Speaker System with 15 Woofer And 1.75 Titanium Compression Driver (Black) could be the fantastic notion from Behringer. Completely good quality and modernist style product combine with our clever production method.

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Not only Behringer EUROLIVE B215XL 1000-Watt 2-Way Pa Speaker System with 15 Woofer And 1.75 Titanium Compression Driver (Black) came in a magnificent appearance and excellence good quality, it also came together with the very reasonable expense that you and everyone could be able to afford. Our manufacture teams are very concern on the customer's benefit so that we have tried to create Behringer EUROLIVE B215XL 1000-Watt 2-Way Pa Speaker System with 15 Woofer And 1.75 Titanium Compression Driver (Black) with all knowledge that can make our merchandise become an affordable item with high quality for the marketplace for you. So you and everyone you really like will probably be pleased with our intention.

Click here to visit the Behringer EUROLIVE B215XL 1000-Watt 2-Way Pa Speaker System with 15 Woofer And 1.75 Titanium Compression Driver (Black) full review & cheap price

Behringer EUROLIVE B215XL 1000-Watt 2-Way Pa Speaker System with 15 Woofer And 1.75 Titanium Compression Driver (Black)


1000-Watt 2-Way PA Speaker System with 15" Woofer and 1.75" Titanium Compression Driver

  • High-power 2-way PA sound reinforcement speaker system for live and playback applications (250 Watts Continuous / 1000 Watts Peak Power)
  • Ultra-compact and light weight system delivers excellent sound even at extreme sound pressure levels
  • Extremely powerful 15'' long-excursion driver provides incredibly deep bass and acoustic power
  • State-of-the-art 1.75'' titanium-diaphragm compression driver for exceptional high-frequency reproduction
  • Ultra-wide dispersion, large-format exponential horn
  • Overload-protection circuitry ensures optimal HF driver protection
  • Versatile trapezoidal enclosure design allows different positioning:
  • Stand mounting with 35-mm pole socket
  • Tilts on its side for use as a floor monitor
  • Ergonomically shaped handles for easy carrying and setup
  • 2 professional speaker connectors plus ¼'' jack connectors
  • High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
  • Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Perfection, Improved.

These loudspeakers take everything musicians love about the original B215 and upgrade them with the same bass and treble/mid transducers found in our wildly popular B215A active versions for even better sound and power handling. And with integrated overload protection circuitry, they arrive ready to push it to the limit without putting their high or low frequency drivers in danger.

Triumphant Transducers

Every stitch of these loudspeakers is built to deliver, but the fact is that their transducers (woofers and tweeters) are the only part you actually hear. While some manufacturers are okay with putting off-the-shelf transducers in their boxes, we custom-design and build ours from scratch. Not only do we wind our own voice coils, we grow the trees that are processed into the paper pulp that becomes the cones. We even machine the frames and backplates. BEHRINGER's quality is truly under control.

Big Sound, Lightweight, Low Price

Big here, small there, lots of this, light on that - everyone's got their preferences, but the EUROLIVE B215XL has proportions we can all agree upon. These loudspeakers pack a clean, punchy wallop (and can handle up to 1000 Watts), they are easy to lift by their recessed handles (38.7 lbs) and are available at insanely low prices. Who wouldn't want to hook up with one of these beauties?

Get on the Stick...or Get on Down

The B215XL is perfect either as part of a PA system or as an onstage monitor. If the situation calls for a PA, mount the speakers on stands via the 35mm pole socket. From there, send a line from the MAIN OUT of a mixer (such as a XENYX 1202FX) to a power amplifier (like the EUROPOWER EP1500). Finally, attach B215XL to each of the amp's outputs. These loudspeakers have inputs for both professional speaker cable and ¼" cable. Because these loudspeakers have two parallel inputs, you can connect up to two of them to any channel on a power amp. But they don't have to be confined to an upright position. Just lay them on their sides for use as a floor monitor. You'll find that they tilt to the ideal angle for onstage monitor wedge applications.

Choose White, Black, on or Off the Wall...

You asked for it, and now we're proud to offer these amazing loudspeakers in black or white. We now also make swiveling wall-mount brackets for the B215XL. That means they're ready to fit even more comfortably into a venue's color scheme and layout. No matter what your sound or aesthetic needs may be, we make one that's just right for you!


  • High-power 2-way PA sound reinforcement speaker system for live and playback applications (250 Watts Continuous / 1000 Watts Peak Power)
  • Ultra-compact and light weight system delivers excellent sound even at extreme sound pressure levels
  • Extremely powerful 15" long-excursion driver provides incredibly deep bass and acoustic power
  • State-of-the-art 1.75'' titanium-diaphragm compression driver for exceptional high-frequency reproduction
  • Ultra-wide dispersion, large-format exponential horn